Thursday, December 2, 2010


  • Computer Aids for VLSI Design - The Characteristics of Digital Electronic Design, Design Environments, Output of Design Aids, Programmability
  • Guide to Digital Signal Processing - Digital Filters, Apllications, Complex Techniques
  • Neural Nets by Kevin Gurney - Computers and Symbols versus Nets and Neurons, TLUs and vectors - simple learning rules, delta rule, Competition and self-organisation: Kohonen nets, Hopfield nets
  • The Art of Assembly Language Programming - The Art of Assembly Language Programming (AoA), Randy Hyde's acclaimed text on assembly language programming, is the most-often recommended book on 80x86 assembly language programming in newsgroups, on web sites, and by word of mouth.
  • Machine Learning, Neural and Statistical Classification - Classical Statistical Methods, Modern Statistical Techniques, Machine Learning of Rules and Trees, Neural Networks, Dataset Descriptions and Results
  • Parsing Techniques - A Practical Guide - This 320-page book treats parsing in its own right, in greater depth than is found in most computer science and linguistics books.
  • Designing and Building Parallel Programs - Parallel Computers and Computation, Designing Parallel Algorithms, Compositional C++, High Performance Fortran, Performance Tools
  • Tutorial on Fuzzy Logic - A logic based on the two truth values 0 - false and 1 - true is sometimes inadequate when describing human reasoning. Fuzzy logic uses the whole interval between 0 (false) and 1 (true) to describe human reasoning. As a result, fuzzy logic is being applied in rule based automatic controllers, and this paper is part of a course for control engineers.
  • Tuning Of Fuzzy PID Controllers - Since fuzzy controllers are nonlinear, it is more difficult to set the controller gains compared to proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers. This research paper proposes a design procedure and a tuning procedure that carries tuning rules from the PID domain over to fuzzy single-loop controllers.
  • Introduction To Perceptron Networks - When it is time-consuming or expensive tomodel a plant using the basic laws of physics, a neural network approach can be an alternative. From a control engineerĂ¯¿½s viewpoint a twolayer perceptron network is sufficient. It is indicated how to model a dynamic plant using a perceptron network.

    -- Useful EBooks --
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  • Design of Fuzzy Controllers - Design of a fuzzy controller requires more design decisions than usual, for example regarding rule base, inference engine, defuzzification, and data pre- and post processing. This tutorial paper identifies and describes the design choices related to single-loop fuzzy control, based on an international standard which is underway. The paper contains also a design approach, which uses a PID controller as a starting point. A design engineer can view the paper as an introduction to fuzzy controller design.
  • Neurofuzzy Modelling - A neural network can approximate a function, but it is impossible to interpret the result in terms of natural language. The fusion of neural networks and fuzzy logic in neurofuzzy models provide learning as well as readability. Control engineers find this useful, because the models can be interpreted and supplemented by process operators.
  • Fuzzy Supervisory Control - Control problems in the process industry are dominated by non-linear and time-varying behaviour, many inner loops, and much interaction between the control loops.
  • Analysis of a Pendulum Problem - The ball-balancer, or cart-ball system, demonstrates some basic concepts in control being nonlinear, multivariable, and non-minimum phase. It is basically an inverted pendulum problem, which is a much used benchmark problem.
  • Pendulum Problem - Matlab Files - Nice Animation - Download and Experiment
  • The Self-Organising Fuzzy Controller - A marginally stable test system, with a large dead time and an integrator, is stabilised by a self-organising fuzzy controller in a simulation study. It acts as a case study, to explain the self-organising controller to engineering students. The paper is one of a series of tutorial papers for a course in fuzzy control.

Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Books

  • Heat Transfer Book (PDF) - You need to fill in download form to download this book
  • Fundamentals of Compressible Flow (PDF) - This book is intent for undergraduate students in Mechanical, Chemical, and Aeronautical Engineering. The book contains chapters on Isentropic Flow (nozzle flow), Isothermal Nozzle, Shock wave and Oblique shocks, and Prandtl-Meyer flow as well chapters on Isothermal Flow, Fanno Flow, and Rayleigh Flow.
  • Lessons In Electric Circuits - A free series of textbooks on the subjects of electricity and electronics
  • Modern Signal Processing (PDF) - Hyperbolic Geometry, Nehari's Theorem, Electric Circuits, and Analog Signal Processing, Diffuse Tomography as a Source of Challenging Nonlinear Inverse Problems, Sampling of Functions and Sections for Compact Groups
  • Mathematical Tools for Physics (PDF format) - Infinite Series, Complex Algebra, Complex Algebra, Fourier Series, Vector Spaces, Numerical Analysis, Complex Variables etc
  • Exploring RANDOMNESS - This essential companion volume to Chaitin's highly successful books The Unknowable and The Limits of Mathematics
  • Introduction to Machine Learning - Boolean Functions, Using Version Spaces for Learning, Neural Networks, Statistical Learning, Decision Trees etc
  • Primer on Molecular Genetics - The Mathematics of NMR, Spin Physics, NMR Spectroscopy, Fourier Transforms, Pulse Sequences, NMR Hardware

Engineering Free Books - Chemical, Mechanical, Instrumentation, Electrical, Computer Science
Chemical, Mechanical, Instrumentation, Electrical Computer Engineering Books

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