Saturday, December 18, 2010


Bernoulli Equation

Conservation of energy - non-viscous, incompressible fluid in steady flow

Bulk Modulus and Fluid Elasticity

Introduction and definition of Bulk Modulus Elasticity - commonly used to characterize compressibility of fluids


The resultant force on a submerged body


Capillarity or capillary action is the ability of a narrow tube to draw a liquid upwards against the force of gravity

Carbon Dioxide Concentration in Rooms

The carbon dioxide concentration in rooms can be used to indicate air quality and ventilation system efficiency
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Cauchy Number

An introduction and a definition of the Cauchy Number

Cavitation - an Introduction

Cavitation may occur in fluid flow systems where local static pressure is below the vapor pressure

Center of Gravity - Center of Buoyancy

Stability - Center of gravity and center of buoyancy

Chezy Formula

Conduits flow and mean velocity

Colebrook Equation

Calculate friction loss coefficients in pipes, tubes and ducts

Compressible Gas Flow - Entropy

Calculating entropy in compressible gas flow

Compression and Expansion of Gases

Isothermal and Isentropic processes

Conservation of Mass

The Law of Conservation of Mass states that mass can neither be created or destroyed

D'Arcy-Weisbach Equation for Pressure and Head Loss

The D'Arcy-Weisbach formula can be used to calculate pressure or head loss due to friction in ducts, pipes and tubes

Density of Fluids - Changing Pressure and Temperature

Calculating density of fluids when changing pressure and temperature

Density, Specific Weight and Specific Gravity

An introduction and definition of density, specific weight and specific gravity - formulas with examples

Drag Coefficient

The drag coefficient expresses the drag of an object in a moving fluid

Dynamic Pressure

Dynamic pressure is the component of fluid pressure representing the fluid kinetic energy

Dynamic Viscosity of some common Liquids

Absolute or Dynamic Viscosity viscosity of some common fluids

Dynamic or Absolute Viscosity Converting Chart

Absolute or dynamic viscosity converting chart - units like Poiseuille - Poise - centiPoise and more

Dynamic, Absolute and Kinematic Viscosity

An introduction to dynamic, absolute and kinematic viscosity and how to convert between CentiStokes (cSt), CentiPoises (cP), Saybolt Universal Seconds (SSU), degree Engler and more

Energy and Hydraulic Grade Line

The hydraulic grade and the energy line are graphical presentations of the Bernoulli equation

Entrance Length and Developed Flow

The entrance length is the length in a tube or duct until the flow velocity profile is fully developed after an obstruction

Equation of Continuity

The Equation of Continuity is a statement of mass conservation

Equation of Mechanical Energy

The equation of mechanical energy in terms of Energy per Unit Mass, Energy per Unit Volume and Energy per Unit Weight involving head

Equations in Fluid Mechanics

Common fluid mechanics equations - Bernoulli, conservation of energy, conservation of mass, pressure, Navier-Stokes, ideal gas law, Euler equations, Laplace equations, Darcy-Weisbach Equation and more

Equivalent Diameter

Convert rectangular and oval duct geometry to a equivalent circular diameter - online calculator with imperial and SI-units

Euler Number

An introduction and definition of the Euler Number in fluid mechanics

Euler equations

The behavior of ideal compressible gas can be described by the Euler equations

Flow Coefficient Cv and Flow Factor Kv

Comparing flow coefficient Cv with flow factor Kv

Flow Section Channels - Geometric Relationships

Geometric relationships like area, wetted perimeter and hydraulic diameter

Fluids - Kinematic Viscosities

Kinematic viscosities of some common fluids - motor oil, diesel fuel, peanut oil and many more

Friction Coefficient at Laminar Flow

Laminar flow and friction coefficients

Friction Loss Viscous Liquids

Friction loss in steel pipes - viscosities ranging 32 - 80000 SSU

Froude Number

An introduction to and a definition of the Froude Number

Gas Mixture Properties

Special care must be taken for gas mixtures when using the ideal gas law, calculating the mass, the individual gas constant or the density

Gases - Ratios of Specific Heat

Heat capacity of a gas in a constant pressure process - to heat capacity in a constant volume process

Hazen-Williams Coefficients

Hazen-Williams factor for some common piping materials

Hazen-Williams Equation - calculating Friction Head Loss in Water Pipes

Friction head loss (ftH2O per 100 ft pipe) in water pipes can be estimated by using the empirical Hazen-Williams equation

Heating Systems - Steel Pipe Pressure Loss Diagram

Steel pipes and tubes - pressure loss diagram hot water heating systems

Hydraulic Diameter

Hydraulic diameter of ducts and tubes

Hydrostatic Pressure

Static pressure of water

Ideal Gas Law

In perfect or ideal gas the change in density is directly related to the change of temperature and pressure as expressed by the Ideal Gas Law

Imperial and SI Fluid Mechanics Dimensions and Units

Imperial (USCS) and SI dimensions and units terminology

Isentropic Flow

Constant entropy flow is called isentropic flow

Kinematic Conversion Diagram

Convert diagram between Centistokes, Saybolt and Redwood seconds

Kinematic Viscosity Online Calculator

Convert between different kinematic viscosity units - centistokes, poise, lentor and more

Laminar, Transitional or Turbulent Flow

When calculating heat transfer or pressure and head loss it is important to know if the fluid flow is laminar, transitional or turbulent

Laplace Equation

Laplace equation are important in fluid dynamics describing the behavior of gravitational and fluid potentials

Lift and Drag

Body in fluid flow - lift and drag

Mach Number

Introduction and definition of the Mach Number

Major Loss Online Calculator for Fluid Flow using Darcy-Weisbach Friction Loss Equation

An online major loss calculator using Darcy-Weisbach friction loss equation. Energy (or head) loss is expressed in length units

Major loss in Ducts, Tubes and Pipes

Major loss - head loss or pressure loss - due to friction in ducts, pipes and tubes

Manning's Formula for Gravity Flow

Manning's equation for calculating gravity flow in open channels

Manning's Roughness Coefficient

Manning's roughness coefficient values for some common materials

Mass and Weight

Weight and mass - the difference

Minor Loss Coefficients for Air Duct Components

Minor loss - pressure or head loss - coefficients for air duct distribution systems components

Minor Loss Coefficients in Pipes and Tubes Components

Minor loss coefficients for common used components in pipe and tube systems

Minor Loss in Pipe or Duct Components

Minor loss, pressure or head loss in pipe, tube and duct system components

Mixtures, Solutions and Suspensions

The difference between mixtures, solutions and suspensions

Moody Diagram

A very nice Moody Diagram that can be used to estimate friction coefficients

Moody Friction Flow Factor

Online Moody friction flow factor calculator - used in the Darcy-Weisbach major loss equation

Navier-Stokes Equations

The Navier-Stokes equations are the fundamental partial differentials equations describing incompressible fluid flow


Gas flow through nozzles - sonic chokes

Oil Viscosity Conversion Values

Convert between common oil viscosity units

Orifice, Nozzle and Venturi Flow Rate Meters

The orifice, nozzle and venturi flow rate meters use the Bernoulli Equation to calculate the fluid flow rate using pressure difference through obstructions in the flow

Pascal's Laws

Pascal's laws relates to pressures in fluids

Pipe Velocities

Calculate fluid flow and pipe velocity

Poiseulle's Formula

Volume discharged through a smooth-walled circular pipe

Prandtl Number

The Prandtl Number is a dimensionless number approximating the ratio of momentum diffusivity and thermal diffusivity


Introduction to pressure - relationship psi and Pa - online pressure units converter

Pressure Coefficient

The pressure coefficient is important in most fluid flow situations

Pressure Units Online Converter

Convert between common pressure units like Pa,� bar, atmosphere, pound square feet, psi and more

Pressure-Gradient Diagrams

A pressure-gradient diagram is a graphical presentation of the static pressure throughout a fluid flow system

Pump Affinity Laws

Turbo machines affinity laws are used to calculate volume capacity, head or power consumption in centrifugal pumps when changing speed - rpm - or wheel diameters

Pumps, Compressors, Blowers and Fans

Comparing pumps, compressors, blowers and fans

Reynolds Number

An introduction and definition of the dimensionless Reynolds Number - with online calculators


Measure of the maximum amount of a solute that can be dissolved in a solvent

Specific Work of Turbo Machines - Pumps, Compressors and Fans

Specific work of pumps, fans, compressors and turbines

Speed of Sound Formulas

Calculation formulas for velocity of sound in gases, fluids or solids

Static Pressure and Pressure Head in Fluids

Static pressure and pressure head

Stoke's Formula

Viscosity force acting on a smooth sphere

Strouhal Number

An introduction to and a definition of the Strouhal Number

Surface Tension

Surface tension of some common liquids like water, mercury, oils and more

Technical Terms in Fluid Mechanics

Some of the most common used technical terms used in fluid mechanics

The Individual and Universal Gas Constant

The Individual and Universal Gas Constant in fluid mechanics and thermodynamics

Total Pressure or Head Loss in Pipe or Duct Systems

Major and minor loss in pipe, tubes and duct systems

U-Tube Manometer

The inclined and vertical u-tube manometers are inexpensive and common in differential pressure measurements of flow meters like pitot tubes, orifices and nozzles

Velocity Head

Dynamic pressure and velocity head

Viscosity Converting Chart

A converting table between viscosity units like Centiposes, milliPascal, CentiStokes and SSU

Water - Absolute or Dynamic Viscosity

Absolute, or dynamic viscosity of water in centipoises for temperatures between 32 - 200oF

Water - Dynamic and Kinematic Viscosity

Viscosity of water at temperatures between 0 - 100oC (32 - 212oF) - in Imperial and SI Units

Water - Speed of Sound

Speed of sound in water at temperatures between 32 - 212 oF (0 - 100 oC) - imperial and SI units

Water Flow in Tubes - Reynolds Number

Reynolds Number in pipes transporting clean cold water

Weber Number

An introduction to and a definition of the Weber Number

Wind Energy

Available wind energy

Wind Power

Power generated from the wind

Wind Shear

Wind is slowed down at the surface by trees and obstructions

Wind Turbine Power Calculator

Online wind turbine calculator

�Cavitations Number

An introduction to and a definition of the Cavitations Number

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